This webinar by Dr. Elizabeth Gleim of Hollins University in Virginia investigates the ins and outs of the lyme’s disease front and how fire may play a role. This webinar is co-sponsored by our sister exchange, The Consortium for Appalachian Fire Managers and Scientists (CAFMS).
Lyme disease is the most common vector-borne disease in the U.S. with an estimated 300,000 cases annually. While Lyme cases are most common in northeastern and northern midwestern states, the southern “front” of Lyme disease has moved further southwards into Virginia within the past 10-15 years. Why is this happening? What role could land managers play in reducing the risk of Lyme disease (in Virginia and beyond)? Could fire play a role? And what does every field biologist, land manager, and land owner need to know to prevent tick bites and lower their own risk of Lyme disease (and other tick-borne diseases)? Join Liz Gleim as she shares with you her recent research on Lyme ecology in Virginia and her thoughts on some potential answers to these questions.
Research links: Webinar recording of Dr. Gleim's earlier webinar on Fire & Ticks: The Impacts of Long-term Prescribed Fire on Tick Populations & Tick-borne Disease Risk:
Review: Application of Tick Control Technologies for Blacklegged, Lone Star, and American Dog Ticks:
Frequent Prescribed Fires Can Reduce Risk of Tick-borne Diseases:
Lyme Disease, USA, 2000-2011:
Geographic Expansion of Lyme Disease in the United States, 2000-2014: