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Northeast Wildfire Risk Assessment - USDA Forest Service


Updated: Dec 17, 2020

Title: Northeast Wildfire Risk Assessment

Author: USDA Forest Service

Short Description: The objectives of this assessment were to identify areas in the Northeast and Midwest that are prone to wildfire; identify where hazard mitigation practices would be most effective in reducing fire risk within each State; identify and prioritize Communities at Risk from wildfire and; focus resources in the areas of greatest need within each State.

Abstract: Federal and State land managers have a critical need for a general baseline geospatial assessment of fire risk that identifies wildland-urban interface areas and communities at risk from wildfire. These managers include personnel from the U.S. Forest Service, Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry (NASPF); State Forestry agencies; and those who manage Federal lands in the Northeastern and Midwestern United States. The projected increase in population, pressure for land use change, effects of climate change, and declining State budgets will result in more complex fire suppression strategies. Fire management programs must continue to operate strategically and efficiently to meet this paradigm. In the State and Private Forestry Redesign process, States are being required to prepare State Forest Resource Assessments and Strategies. National and regional guidance suggest using geospatial analyses to identify priority areas for wildfire risk mitigation.

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