science-, community-, and action-focused fact sheet (PDF)
On April 28, this three-hour virtual workshop helped participants make practical plans and establish a community of practice around pitch pine barren management in light of southern pine beetle (SPB). Participants shared resources for developing management plans for at-risk pitch pine stands across the northeastern U.S. and information about applications of thinning and prescribed fire. A follow-up workshop on May 12 enabled participants to “woodshed” their individual management plans.
Background resources
Southern Pine Beetle fact sheet (introductory PDF)
Southern Pine Beetle Hazard Rating for Pitch Pine Barrens (summary PDF)
Southern Pine Beetle in New Jersey (17-min conference presentation)
Expansion of Southern Pine Beetle into Northeastern Forests: Management and Impact of a Primary Bark Beetle in a New Region (publication PDF)
Workshop presentation PDFs (view the workshop recording here)
Southern Pine Beetle in New York and New England, by Kevin Dodds
Southern Pine Beetle Response in New York, by Jessica Cancelliere
Informing adaptive forest management: a hazard rating tool for southern pine beetle in pitch pine barrens, by Elizabeth Jamison
Southern Pine Beetle Prevention Program, by John Nowak
Resources shared by participants (in section three)