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NAFSE Archive
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Jan 11, 2022
Webinar: Firescapes of the mid-Atlantic: challenges and opportunities for prescribed burning
Erica Smithwick (Penn State) reviewed context, results, and broader implications of the JFSP-funded research she led and recently completed.

Feb 18, 2021
Timber Management and Prescribed Fire
Panel discussion of how we can best use fire in sites with timber management objectives.

Dec 17, 2020
Using Fire Seasonality to Open the Burn Window
Panel discussion of how to use science-based reasoning to support burning outside of the dormant season.

Aug 12, 2020
Webinar: How to Develop a Burn Plan
Covered elements of a successful burn plan, shared example burn plans, and discussed how burn results inform future management decisions.

Jan 10, 2020
NAFSE Winter Newsletter 2020
Latest news and events from winter 2020.

Michael Gallagher and Jesse Kreye
Jan 2, 2020
Researchers are asking if prescribed fire can help reduce ticks in the Northeast
Results of this work will help us understand the natural ecology of ticks and inform how prescribed fire may help control tick problems.

Alex Entrup
Dec 31, 2019
MassWildlife Habitat Grants Enabling Prescribed Fire Programs to Flourish on Municipal Lands
Despite holding a significant portion of conservation area in the northeast, municipally owned lands are frequently overlooked in the...

Alex Entrup
Dec 31, 2019
MassWildlife Habitat Grants Enabling Prescribed Fire Programs to Flourish on Municipal Lands
Funding is available for municipalities and private landowners to begin or sustain wildlife habitat management on their properties.

Jul 17, 2019
Research Brief– Fire and Invasives: Ailanthus altissima
Understanding how prescribed fire and herbicide affect the non-native species Ailanthus altissima (stink tree).

Jun 13, 2019
In the Eye of the Fire – 360° video of crown fire in NJ pinelands
This 360 degree video shows a forest fire that spreads from treetop to treetop, called a crown fire.

May 7, 2019
Webinar: Wildland firefighter fatalities in the context of prescribed fire
By Travis Dotson, Analyst from the Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center and Matt Carroll, North Country Interagency Fire Management.

Apr 13, 2019
75th Annual Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference: NAFSE co-sponsors pyrogenic wildlife symposia
NAFSE co-sponsored a pyrogenic wildlife symposia at the 75th Annual Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference in Groton, CT.
Apr 11, 2019
NAFSE talk at the 23rd Annual New Jersey Land Conservation Rally
Inga La Puma presented a talk on wildfire risk assessment at the 23rd Annual New Jersey Land Conservation Rally.

Michael Gallagher
Mar 25, 2019
Prescribed fire research burn with 360 degree video from the NJ pinelands
A fireproof 360 degree video camera collected this exciting interactive video which demonstrates what things are like inside a fire!

Dec 6, 2018
Research Brief: Insect damage versus prescribed fire: comparing long-term carbon impacts
Disturbances such as prescribed fire and insect defoliation have different impacts on carbon storage in forests.
Aug 6, 2018
The Nature Conservancy: Mazar property future vegetation plot analysis
Analysis of Mazar property vegetation plots, a 101-acre TNC conservation restriction in the Kanomika Neck area, Massachusetts.
Aug 6, 2018
Narragansett Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve: Future management activity/ vegetation plot an
Seeking support for a research burn on a heavily degraded portion of the property with follow-up treatments post-fire.
Aug 6, 2018
Fire Management Plan for Ossipee Pine Barrens Preserve
Site fire management plan including ecological goals, objectives, and an action program to be implemented over the next five to ten years.

Jul 18, 2018
Research Brief: Understanding fire behavior using modern equipment and methods
A description of instrumentation used to measure prescribed burns in the pinelands of New Jersey.
Jul 6, 2018
Interview: Tom Gerber, NJ FFS, Travels to Tall Timbers for the Prescribed Fire Consortium Week
Tom Gerber on the research, collaborations, public interactions, and ecosystem challenges presented by long-leaf pine prescribed fire.
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