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Aug 7, 2018
NJ Forest Service uses Forest Vegetation Simulator
Simulating the effects of different combinations of forest management treatments across a wildlife management area.
Aug 7, 2018
Fire History of Pine, Oak and Beech-dominated Forests in Southern New England
Study of paleoecological, paleoclimate, and archaeological data linking fire, forest composition, climate change, and human activities.
Aug 6, 2018
The Nature Conservancy: Mazar property future vegetation plot analysis
Analysis of Mazar property vegetation plots, a 101-acre TNC conservation restriction in the Kanomika Neck area, Massachusetts.
Aug 6, 2018
Narragansett Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve: Future management activity/ vegetation plot an
Seeking support for a research burn on a heavily degraded portion of the property with follow-up treatments post-fire.
Aug 6, 2018
Fire effects on Northern red oak in the tension zone and implications for increased abundance
Clarifying the impact of different historic disturbance methods and the comparative role of fire in northern red oak ecology.
Jan 25, 2018
Impacts of southern pine beetle on pitch pine forest dynamics in a newly invaded region
This study examined the immediate effects of SPC-induced tree mortality to inform management recommendations and forest projections.
Jan 18, 2018
The estimation of burn severity using satellite imagery in a temperate deciduous forest.
New methods for evaluating burn severity across broad spatial extents in the eastern US using satellite imagery.
Jan 16, 2018
Wildfire disturbance-recovery dynamics: feedbacks between climate change and ecosystem resilience
An analysis of post-fire stand development and fuel loading that will help fire managers quantify and prioritize fuel reduction efforts.
Jan 16, 2018
Multi-scale analyses of wildland fire combustion processes in open-canopied forests
Advancing understanding of fire processes, fuel consumption, atmospheric dynamics, and physics-based fire behavior models.

Jan 5, 2018
New Jersey Forest Fire Service – Science in Action
Video about a research burn conducted in order to collect data on embers, smoke, and fire behavior.

Apr 8, 2015
NJ Pinelands Prescribed Burn Research Project Video: Monitoring Equipment
Prescribed fire monitoring equipment as the prescribed fire passes by camera.
Apr 8, 2015
NJ Pinelands Prescribed Burn Research Project Video: Northern Research Station Overview of Project
Collecting data on a prescribed fire conducted in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey, especially the fire’s embers (fire brands).

Apr 8, 2015
NJ Pinelands Prescribed Burn Research Project Video: Embers
Fire embers, commonly known as fire brands, gathering before, during and after a prescribed fire passes by the camera.
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