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Jan 22, 2019
Historical Changes in the pine barrens of Central Suffolk County, NY (Kurczewski and Boyle, 2000)
Interpreting past changes in the central Suffolk County, Long Island, New York pine barrens.
Jan 22, 2019
Vegetation development in a southern Maine pitch pine-scrub oak barren (Copenheaver, et al. 2000)
Results demonstrate that both fire and soil factors have influenced the vegetation of the area as well as historic land use.
Jan 22, 2019
History and Dynamics of a Ridgetop Pitch Pine Community: Mount Everett, Massachusetts
Results suggest that even among Northeastern
barrens, Mount Everett's summit is characterized by highly unusual vegetation and dynamics.

Jan 22, 2019
Microscopic Charcoal as a Fossil Indicator of Fire
A review of several studies through which charcoal analysis advances have been made and a consideration of questions for future study.

Jan 22, 2019
Historical Description of the Vegetation of the Boston Harbor Islands: 1600-2000
Overview of Boston Harbor Islands' vegetation based on historical accounts and descriptions.

Jan 22, 2019
Paleoecology of Calf Island in Boston's Outer Harbor (Patterson, et al. 2005)
Management benchmarks developed by documenting pre-European conditions and differences between modern and pre-settlement environments.
Jan 22, 2019
Myles Standish State Forest - From the Ice Age to the Present
Brief summary of paleoecology in the area.

Jan 22, 2019
Indian Fires in the Prehistory of New England
A review of historical fire regimes and vegetation in New England, going back thousands of years.
Aug 10, 2018
Conceptual ecological models for the Long Island pitch pine barrens: implications for managing rare
Developing three conceptual models to describe our understanding of vegetation change in response to fire and land clearing on Long Island.
Aug 10, 2018
Fire Management Plan for Montague Plain Wildlife Management Area (Clark and Patterson 2003)
This fire management plan is a strategic plan that defines a program to manage wildland fire for ecological health and public safety.
Aug 10, 2018
Fire Issues Unique to the Northeastern Area of the United States
A plan to refine the national Fire Danger System, as part of the National Fire Plan, to make it more applicable to the NE Pine Barrens.
Aug 10, 2018
Characterizing Canopy Fuels as They Affect Fire Behavior in Pitch Pine
This thesis added pitch pine crown characteristics to the body of data on canopy fuel characteristics.
Aug 9, 2018
Fire Management Plan for the Maine Army National Guard Hollis Training Site, York County, Maine
Evaluation of the effectiveness of a fire management plan and guidance for future management activities.
Aug 9, 2018
Ecological Restoration of Fire-Maintained Oak Woodlands in Massachusetts (Hawthorne MS thesis 2004)
A factorial experiment, which involved overstory thinning and prescribed burning, to reproduce pre-European settlement conditions.
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