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NAFSE Archive
This page shows our 5 most recent posts and events.
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Feb 18, 2021
Timber Management and Prescribed Fire
Panel discussion of how we can best use fire in sites with timber management objectives.

Jan 21, 2021
Fire and a Changing Climate
Panel discussion of how we can use climate predictions to plan future fire management and research and how we are adapting now.

Dec 10, 2019
Research Brief: Discovering Red Pine Fire History in New England
An investigation of pine fire history in the Adirondack Mountains of New York by the Missouri Tree Ring Laboratory.
Jan 22, 2019
The Modern and Historic Fire Regimes of Central Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts (Mouw 2002)
Determining fire and vegetation interactions in the central Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts woodlands in order to inform management.
Jan 22, 2019
History and Dynamics of a Ridgetop Pitch Pine Community: Mount Everett, Massachusetts
Results suggest that even among Northeastern
barrens, Mount Everett's summit is characterized by highly unusual vegetation and dynamics.
Jan 25, 2018
Northern Shawangunk Ridge Fire Management Plan
A planning framework for implementing optimal science-based fire management actions and ensuring that fire management is a collaboration.
Dec 16, 2016
New England Fire History ‘Stress Test’ Project: NE Forest Fire Protection Compact
Documents for each state and province as well as analyses of trends and mega-fire preparedness needs, put together by The Irland Group.

Jun 15, 2016
Workshop: Fire in Oak - Regional differences, local applicability
Workshop agenda and PDFs from managers and scientists about fire and oak issues in the North Atlantic region.

Mar 15, 2016
Webinar - LANDFIRE: The Biophysical Settings and Historic Fire Regimes of the North Atlantic
Randy Swaty explored the pre-settlement vegetation and fire regimes of the NE US as modeled and mapped by LANDFIRE.
Dec 8, 2015
Focused Conference Calls: Fire in New England Oak Ecosystems
Summary of a focused conference call to investigate current research on fire in New England oak ecosystems.
Nov 25, 2015
Proceedings from the Canadian National Fuels Management Workshop January 2014
Discussion groups, presentations and practice guidelines from the Canadian National Fuels Management workshop in January 2014.

Feb 26, 2015
Webinar: Fire scars record the dynamics of ecosystem combustion in the Northeast
Dr. Richard Guyette discussed the application of a combustion model derived from fire scar data to predict fire probability in the NE.

Dec 3, 2014
NAFSE Webinar: Mapping pyrophilic percentage across the northeast
Dr. Greg Nowacki presents on converting witness-tree points to a contiguous surface of pyrophilic percentage.
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