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NAFSE Archive
This page shows our 5 most recent posts and events.
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Aug 18, 2018
Vegetation Sampling Protocol for Xeric Habitats of the Northeast
A protocol created to assess changes in vegetation structure and plant species composition in response to adaptive management activities.
Aug 7, 2018
Fire History of Pine, Oak and Beech-dominated Forests in Southern New England
Study of paleoecological, paleoclimate, and archaeological data linking fire, forest composition, climate change, and human activities.
Aug 6, 2018
Fire effects on Northern red oak in the tension zone and implications for increased abundance
Clarifying the impact of different historic disturbance methods and the comparative role of fire in northern red oak ecology.
Aug 6, 2018
Fire Management Plan for Ossipee Pine Barrens Preserve
Site fire management plan including ecological goals, objectives, and an action program to be implemented over the next five to ten years.
Aug 6, 2018
Management Plan for Katama Plains Management area (sandplain grassland)
A revised Management Plan for the Katama Plains Conservation Area, one of New England’s largest and best examples of sandplain grasslands.

Jun 24, 2018
Field Trip - Cape Cod National Seashore
This field trip was part of a series revisiting Massachusetts Pine Barrens sites examined during a 2004 field trip on Managing Fuels.

May 20, 2018
The Fire Continuum Conference
The Fire Continuum Conference will take you from science and management activities before a wildfire to post-fire activities and ecology.

May 8, 2018
Fine Scale, Big Scale: Wildland Fire Dynamics Research for Informed Management
Summary of our spring/summer 2018 webinar series on research, covering all aspects of fire behavior and all scales of measurement.
Jan 25, 2018
The importance of fire in the maintenance of jack pine at its southeastern range limit
Analysis of pollen and charcoal to identify the historical relationship between jack pine and fire occurrence in Acadia National Park, Maine
Jan 25, 2018
Impacts of southern pine beetle on pitch pine forest dynamics in a newly invaded region
This study examined the immediate effects of SPC-induced tree mortality to inform management recommendations and forest projections.
Jan 23, 2018
Monitoring Protocols for the Ossipee and Waterboro Pine Barrens
Determining the most cost and labor efficient approach to field-based data collection and analysis, and assessing management progress.
Jan 18, 2018
Islands of Pine: Future Climate Scenarios in the NJ Pinelands
Investigating the interactions between climate and altered land forecasts, fire regimes, and forest composition using forecasts and a model.
Jan 18, 2018
Geomorphology of Selected Pine Barrens Savannas
The geomorphology and surficial geology of 7 savannas in the Mullica and Oswego River basins.

Oct 6, 2017
Prescribed fire effects: Aspen’s varied response
This research brief helps set the stage for our Maine fire history panel and field trip. The research covered here focuses on short and...
Inga La Puma
Jul 25, 2017
Albany Pine Bush: Fire and Fuels Monitoring Workshop
Inga La Puma at the Fire and Fuels Monitoring workshop and visiting a unique outlying pitch pine/scrub oak ecosystem in Albany, New York.

Jun 28, 2017
Fire and Soil: Effects of seasonality and frequency
Review and summary of "Fire and Soil: Effects of seasonality and frequency".

Feb 7, 2017
February 2017 Newsletter
The latest news and events!

Amanda Mahaffey
Feb 2, 2017
Field Trip Recap – Fire management at Camp Edwards: Lessons, challenges, and future objectives
Summary of a day-long introduction of fire management at Camp Edwards.
Dec 16, 2016
New England Fire History ‘Stress Test’ Project: NE Forest Fire Protection Compact
Documents for each state and province as well as analyses of trends and mega-fire preparedness needs, put together by The Irland Group.

Jul 26, 2016
Webinar - Finding the Best Science Available on Fire Ecology and Fire Regimes in Eastern Ecosystems
Presented by Robin Innes and Ilana Abrahamson and highlighting the new fire features of the Fire Effects Information System (FEIS).
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