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Jan 22, 2019
Paleoecology of Calf Island in Boston's Outer Harbor (Patterson, et al. 2005)
Management benchmarks developed by documenting pre-European conditions and differences between modern and pre-settlement environments.
Jan 22, 2019
Myles Standish State Forest - From the Ice Age to the Present
Brief summary of paleoecology in the area.

Jan 22, 2019
Indian Fires in the Prehistory of New England
A review of historical fire regimes and vegetation in New England, going back thousands of years.
Jan 21, 2019
Reaction: NAFSE/NFFPC’s ESRI Decision-Support Tools for Wildland Fire Management Workshop
An interview with Marie Cook about out ESRI workshop in November 2018.

Oct 22, 2018
Dr. Nick Skowronski received the 2018 early career award from the International Association of Wildl
Text and photo taken from the IAWF October 2018 Call for nominations email.
Aug 10, 2018
Conceptual ecological models for the Long Island pitch pine barrens: implications for managing rare
Developing three conceptual models to describe our understanding of vegetation change in response to fire and land clearing on Long Island.
Aug 10, 2018
Fire Management Plan for Montague Plain Wildlife Management Area (Clark and Patterson 2003)
This fire management plan is a strategic plan that defines a program to manage wildland fire for ecological health and public safety.
Aug 10, 2018
Fire Issues Unique to the Northeastern Area of the United States
A plan to refine the national Fire Danger System, as part of the National Fire Plan, to make it more applicable to the NE Pine Barrens.
Aug 9, 2018
Fire Management Plan for the Maine Army National Guard Hollis Training Site, York County, Maine
Evaluation of the effectiveness of a fire management plan and guidance for future management activities.
Aug 7, 2018
NJ Forest Service uses Forest Vegetation Simulator
Simulating the effects of different combinations of forest management treatments across a wildlife management area.
Aug 7, 2018
Fire History of Pine, Oak and Beech-dominated Forests in Southern New England
Study of paleoecological, paleoclimate, and archaeological data linking fire, forest composition, climate change, and human activities.
Aug 6, 2018
The Nature Conservancy: Mazar property future vegetation plot analysis
Analysis of Mazar property vegetation plots, a 101-acre TNC conservation restriction in the Kanomika Neck area, Massachusetts.
Aug 6, 2018
Narragansett Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve: Future management activity/ vegetation plot an
Seeking support for a research burn on a heavily degraded portion of the property with follow-up treatments post-fire.
Aug 6, 2018
Fire effects on Northern red oak in the tension zone and implications for increased abundance
Clarifying the impact of different historic disturbance methods and the comparative role of fire in northern red oak ecology.
Aug 6, 2018
Fire Management Plan for Ossipee Pine Barrens Preserve
Site fire management plan including ecological goals, objectives, and an action program to be implemented over the next five to ten years.
Aug 6, 2018
Management Plan for Katama Plains Management area (sandplain grassland)
A revised Management Plan for the Katama Plains Conservation Area, one of New England’s largest and best examples of sandplain grasslands.
Jul 6, 2018
Interview: Tom Gerber, NJ FFS, Travels to Tall Timbers for the Prescribed Fire Consortium Week
Tom Gerber on the research, collaborations, public interactions, and ecosystem challenges presented by long-leaf pine prescribed fire.
Jan 25, 2018
Northern Shawangunk Ridge Fire Management Plan
A planning framework for implementing optimal science-based fire management actions and ensuring that fire management is a collaboration.
Jan 25, 2018
Northeast Wildfire Risk Assessment - USDA Forest Service
Identifying areas in the Northeast and Midwest that are prone to wildfire and prioritizing fire management and resource distribution.
Jan 25, 2018
The importance of fire in the maintenance of jack pine at its southeastern range limit
Analysis of pollen and charcoal to identify the historical relationship between jack pine and fire occurrence in Acadia National Park, Maine
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